Jennifer Adair and Joseph Tobin, “Listening to the Voice of Immigrant Parents.” In Diversities in Early Childhood Education: Rethinking and Doing. Celia Genishi and Lin Goodwin (Eds.) Routledge/Falmer, 2007.

Joseph Tobin, “An Anthropologist’s Reflections on Defining Quality in Education Research.” International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 30:3, 325-338, 2007. PDF

Joseph Tobin, Angela Arzubiaga, and Susanna Mantovani, “Entering into dialogue with immigrant parents.” Early Childhood Matters, Number 108, June, 2007, 34-38. PDF

Joseph Tobin and Yeh Hsueh, “The Poetics and Pleasures of Video Ethnography of Education.” In R. Goldman (Ed). Video Research in the Learning Sciences. NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2007. PDF

Che, Y., Hayashi, A., and Tobin, J. Lessons from China and Japan for Preschool Practice in the United States. Educational Perspectives, 40, 1, 7-12. 2007. PDF

Joseph Tobin, “Quality in Early Childhood Education: An Anthropologist’s Perspective,” Early Education and Development, 16(4) 422-434. 2005. PDF

Joseph Tobin, “Scaling-Up as Catachresis.” International Journal of Research and Method in Education. (28:1: 22-32). 2005. PDF

Joseph Tobin, “Rethinking Resistance,” Bank Street Occasional Papers #14. J. Silin (Ed), 2005.

Joseph Tobin, M. Karasawa, and Y. Hsueh, “Komatsudani Then And Now: Continuity and Change in a Japanese Preschool.” Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. Vol. 5 No. 2. 2005. PDF

Joseph Tobin, Reading Research Quarterly, Contemporary qualitative research methodologies and issues in literacy education. Reading Research Quarterly, 40(1), 90–97. 2005. PDF

Joseph Tobin. “The Body in Preschool.” In Knowing Bodies, Feeling Minds: Embodied Knowledge in Arts Education and Schooling, Liora Bresler (Ed.) Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press. 2004.

Yeh Hsueh, Joseph Tobin, and Mayumi Karasawa, “The Adolescence of the Chinese Kindergarten,” Prospects: Quarterly review of comparative education 34:129:4, 2004. PDF

Yeh Hsueh and J. Tobin. “Chinese Early Childhood Educators Perspectives: on Dealing with a Crying Child.” Journal of Early Childhood Research, 1:1:73-110. 2003.

D. Grace & J. Tobin, “Pleasure, Creativity, and the Carnivalesque in Children’s Video Production,” in L. Bressler & C.Thompson (Eds.). The Arts in Early Childhood Education. 2002.

Joseph Tobin, “Childhood sexuality after Freud: The Problem of Sex in early Childhood Education” in The Annual of Psychoanalysis Volume 23: Sigmund Freud and His Impact on the Modern World, (J. Winner and J. Andersn, (Eds.). Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press. 2001, pps179-200).

Joseph Tobin, “Save the Geeks,” Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 44:504-508. 2001.

Joseph Tobin, “Using “The Japanese Problem” as a Corrective to the Ethnocentricity of Western Theory: Reflections on the Essay By Rothbaum et al. Child Development (Volume 71, Number 5, September/October 2000.

Tobin, Joseph, “Method and Meaning in Comparative Classroom Ethnography,” in R. Alexander (Ed.), Learning from Comparing: New Directions in Comparative Educational Research. Oxford: Symposium Books, Oxford University Press, 1999. Pps. 113-134.

Joseph Tobin, “An American Otaku: Adolescence, Alienation, and Media Learning outside of School.” in Julian Sefton-Green (ed.), Digital Diversions: Youth Culture in the Age of Multimedia. London: Taylor and Francis, 1999. Pps. 106-127.

Joseph Tobin, “Playing Doctor in Two Cultures: The United States and Ireland” in Joseph Tobin (ed.), in Making a Place for Pleasure in Early Childhood Education, Yale University Press, 1997.

Donna Grace and Joseph Tobin, “Butt Jokes and Teacher Parodies: Video Production in the Elementary Classroom,” in David Buckingham (ed.), Teaching Popular Culture: Beyond Radical Pedagogy. London:Taylor and Francis, 1996. (Reprinted in The Missing Discourse of Pleasure and Desire in Early Childhood Education. Joseph Tobin (ed.). New Haven: Yale University Press, forthcoming, Spring, 1997.

Joseph Tobin, “The Irony of Self-Expression,” American Journal of Education, 1995:103, pages 233-258. PDF

Joseph Tobin, “Post-Structural Research in Early Childhood Education,” in Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Education (Amos Hatch, ed), New York: Greenwood Press, 1995.

Joseph Tobin, “Domesticating the West,” in Remade in Japan: Everyday Life and Consumer Taste in a Changing Society, Joseph Tobin (ed.). Yale University Press, 1992. Pages 1-41.

Joseph Tobin, “Japanese Preschools and the Pedagogy of Selfhood,” in The Japanese Sense of Self, Nancy Rosenberger (ed.), Cambridge University Press, 1992. Pages 21-39.

Joseph Tobin, “A Dialogical Approach to Fieldsite Typicality,” City and Society (Summer, 1992). PDF

Joseph Tobin and Dana Davidson, “The Ethics of Polyvocal Ethnography: Empowering vs. Textualizing Children and Teachers,” International Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 3:3:1991, 271-283. PDF

Joseph Tobin, “The Human Relations Area File as Radical Text?” Cultural Anthropology 5:4:473-487, 1990.

Joseph Tobin, “Visual Anthropology and Multivocal Ethnography: A Dialogical Approach to Japanese Preschool Class Size,” Dialectical Anthropology, 13:173-187, 1989.

Joseph Tobin, Dana Davidson, and David Wu, “Class-size and Student-Teacher Ratios in the Japanese Preschool,” Comparative Education Review, 31:4:1987. (reprinted in Japanese Schooling: Patterns of Socialization, Equality, and Political Control, J. Shields (ed.), Pennsylvania State University Press, 1989.) PDF

Joseph Tobin, “American Images of Aging in Japan,” The Gerontologist, 27:1:53-58, 1987.

Joseph Tobin, “(Counter)transference and Failure in Intercultural Therapy,” Ethos, 14:2:120-143, 1986.

Joseph Tobin, “American Images of Japanese Education,” in W. Cummings et. al. (eds.) Educational Policies in Crisis, NY: Praeger, 262-274, 1986. (Published originally in Japanese as "American Images of Japanese Secondary and Post-Secondary Education," IDE, 24:87-95, 1984).

Joseph Tobin, “Intercultural and Developmental Stresses Confronting Southeast Asian Refugee Adolescents,” Operational Psychiatry, 15:39-45, 1987

Joseph Tobin and Joan Friedman, "Sprits, Shamans, and Nightmare Death: Survivor Stress in a Hmong Refugee,” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 53:3;147-155, 1983. (Reprinted in The Hmong in America: Providing Ethic Sensitive Health, Education, and Human Services, M. Morgenbesser, K. McInnis, and H. Petracci, (eds.), Kendall Hunt, 1990.)